Friday, July 21, 2006

Road knowledge

So its 10 am, my friedn called me to follow her to her interview in KL because she doesnt know the road. Well the stupidest thing is, I am also bad with roads in KL, but my road knowledge is better than her though.
But like every stories I will always tell, I will complain shit about this stupid Am bank. So its not my fault. :P
Well here's the thing, Am bank is not really a popular bank, but they have almost like 5 branches in the golden triangle! whats up with that?
So here we are trying to find the road to am assurance building. So we called my smart ass brother, and he gave us the wrong direction to another am bank building. Then I stopped and ask the guard, and he gave us directions. Only that those directions are just so damn hard to
follow when you can't imagine how to get there. So we reach another Am bank building... and its not it... Im beginning to stress out...I mean what the F***?? how many building do you want to have in one place??? Do that money for marketing for god sake!
So we finally gave up, and about to head back, we use a different route to go back...and how amazingly we should have listen to that pakcik guard because we saw the damn building on our way back. What the??? well cant blame me, coz Im seriously bad with roads.
Ouh yeah, and I'm going back to work on thursday! yeay! so money money come to me! ciow!

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